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(Approved by Membership: May 12, 1982)
The abbreviation of the Hawaii Speech-Language-Hearing Association and the official logo shall be: HSHA
A. Composition
1. One Director on the Board shall represent the neighbor islands.
2. Nominations shall be solicited from neighbor island members.
3. A separate category shall appear on the ballot: “Neighbor Island Director”.
4. All members shall vote on the selection of the Neighbor Island Director.
B. Vacancies
Vacancies on the Board of Directors shall be filled by appointment by the President and ratification by the Board by a majority vote at a regular or special meeting of the Board.
C. Committees
1. Chairs shall be appointed prior to the annual installation.
2. Chairs for the Operations subcommittees, including By-Laws/Standing Rules, Historian, Hospitality, Membership, Nomination, shall report to the President-Elect.
3. The Membership Committee shall include the Chair, the President-Elect, the Neighbor Island Director, and others. This committee shall compile and distribute the Directory to the membership no later than ten weeks following the annual membership meeting.
4. The Nominating Committee shall include but not be restricted to the immediate Past President, the President, and the President-Elect.
5. The Public Relations Committee shall be responsible for all publicity of HSHA activities.
Each incoming Director and Chair shall:
1.Meet with the outgoing Director or chair for training.
2. Establish specific goals and objectives for the year and submit these to the Board of Directors at the first Board meeting following the installation.
3. Estimate the committee budget for the year and submit it to the Treasurer at the first Board meeting following the installation.
4. Request reimbursement as expenses are incurred.
5.Request advance approval from the Board if a proposed expense would exceed the approved budget.
6.Report a summary of committee actions and plans for significant upcoming events at regular Board meetings.
7.Provide a copy of all outgoing and significant incoming correspondence to the Corresponding Secretary at the next regular Board meeting.
8. Write periodic articles for the Newsletter concerning committee activities.
9. Submit a yearend report to the President in time for inclusion in the annual report to be presented to members at the installation.
10. Obtain the advice and consent of the Public Relations Director or the President before making any official statements regarding HSHA to any news medium.
A. Chain of Command
In the absence of the President and the President-Elect, the immediate Past President shall preside. In the absence of all three of these officers, the Treasure shall reside.
B. The Recording Secretary
1. The Recording Secretary shall send typed copies of the minutes to all members of the Board of Director and Committee Chairs as soon as possible following each Board meeting. Any HSHA member can request to be added to the Recording Secretary’s mailing list to receive copies of the Minutes on a regular basis
2. The Recording Secretary shall write a summary of the Minutes to be published in the first Newsletter following the Board meeting.
C. The Treasurer/Treasury Procedures
1. There shall be a yearly review of the Associations’ financial records by (the President and Past President) [an outside consultant knowledgeable in accounting and financial reporting] at the close of the financial year on June 30.
2. Transfer of bank signature cards shall be processed by the end of the financial year.
3. An itemized list of expenses incurred shall be submitted with receipts and request for reimbursement.
4. The fiscal year is July 1 through June 30.
5. The Treasurer shall maintain an account and set of books for the Association and a separate account and set of books for the Hawaii Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation.
6. The Treasurer in consult with the President and the Board shall prepare an annual budget for the Association by June 15. Such budget shall be reviewed by the Board for its action before July 15.
A. Voting Procedures
1. The Recording Secretary shall have an updated list of profession members of the Association.
2. Each professional members of HSHA shall sign with the Recording Secretary upon entering the annual meeting. At that time the member shall be given:
a. One prepared ballot, and
b. Blank paper(s), each having different colors of markings which shall be used in the event that run-off vote(s) become(s) necessary to break tie(s).
3. The Recording Secretary shall be responsible for recording upon the sigh-in membership list, which members have submitted proxy ballots; no members shall be permitted both a proxy vote and a vote in person.
4. Any ballot by proxy shall be submitted in a sealed envelope, marked Proxy, with the member’s signature on the outside of the envelope; the envelope shall remain unopened until the time of the voting.
5. Each proxy envelope shall then be opened, envelope discarded and ballot placed and counted with all other ballots for the original count.
6. When there is only one nominee for an office, the membership will vote to affirm the nomination and election.
B. Tie Breaking Procedure
In the event of a tie vote, a run-off election shall be held immediately following the original count at the annual membership meeting. In this situation, no proxy votes shall be counted. The nominee receiving the most votes cast by members present and voting at the annual membership meeting shall be elected.
A. In view of the three year service commitment made by an individual when accepting the office of President-Elect, membership dues for the President –Elect, President, and Immediate past President shall be waived.
B. Recognition Award(s) may be given to individual(s) who have made a significant contribution to the profession and /or the Association. Selection of awardee(s) shall be made by the President based on recommendations by the Board of Directors or by the discretion of the President.
C. Meetings shall be conducted by parliamentary procedure in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.
D. Procedure for proxy vote other than for elections shall be:
1. Any members may appoint a person as proxy to vote at the annual meeting on any issue calling for a vote.
2. The proxy statement shall read as follows:
“I hereby appoint (name of person) as my proxy to vote on my behalf on any issue that shall come before the annual meeting held on (date) in any manner that my proxy deems appropriate.”
3. The proxy statement shall be signed by the members and dated.
4. The proxy statement shall be noted by the Recording Secretary prior to the voting.
A. Amendments for the By-Laws
Proposed amendments to the By-Laws of the Hawaii Speech-Language-Hearing Association must be submitted in writing to the Recording Secretary no less than twenty (20) days prior to the annual membership meeting. Said proposed amendments will be mailed out to the membership with the ballots ten (10) days prior to the annual membership meeting.
B. Amendments to the Standing Rules
1. Changes shall be circulated to all members of the Board of Directors at least seven (7) days prior to the Board meeting.
2. A simple majority shall carry the vote of the Board of Directors.
3. If the Board of Directors’ vote is affirmative; the ruling shall be published in the next issue of the Newsletter, so that the members may be aware of the proposed action and have an opportunity to make their opinions known to the Board of Directors.
4. The Final vote shall be made by the Board of Directors at its next meeting; a simple majority of the quorum shall carry the vote.
Date of Publication: December, 1989